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Popsicle Nutritional Facts
Amount/Serving % Daily Value•
Calories 40
  Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g 0%
  Saturated fat 0g 0%
  Trans Fat 0g        
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 5mg 0%
Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C 10%
Amount/Serving % Daily Value•
Total Carbohydrate 10g 3%
  Dietary Fiber 1g 4%
  Sugars 9g  
Protein 0g  
Calcium 0% Iron 0%
Serving Size 1 popsicle (85g)
Serving per container 1  
Ingredients: Water, Soursop, Sugar    
  • Mango
  • Tamarind
  • Passion Fruit
  • Guava
  • Lemon
  • Banana
  • Coconut
  • Pomegranate
  • Soursop
  • Mixed Fruit
  • Pineapple
  • popsicle popsicle popsicle popsicle popsicle popsicle popsicle popsicle popsicle popsicle popsicle
    Nutritional Values
    SOURSOP (sour·sop) (noun): A large tropical fruit of the spacercustard-apple family that that has fleshy spines on its shell and a slightly acid fibrous pulp inside.
    Nutritional Values

    Practitioners of herbal medicine recommend the fruit and leaves of the graviola tree to relieve stomach distress, fever, pain and respiratory problems such as cough and asthma, and for many other medical problems.

    Soursop contains a number of natural substances that have biological activity, according to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. These include fatty compounds called acetogenins, especially one called annonacin, along with other compounds called quinolones, annopentocins and two alkaloids, coreximine and reticuline. Soursop's acetogenins are the compounds that have been most studied, especially for their potential to prevent or slow the growth of cancer. The Cancer Center also says that some compounds in soursop may be naturally antiviral and antiparasitic, and may also suppress inflammation.

    Real Fruits.